by Ian D’Agata
by Ian D’Agata
In this brilliant and highly informative piece, Aubert de Villaine gives his impressions of the new Burgundy vintage, something he has been doing for years. It’s always a can’t miss read, and at TerroirSense Wine Review we are happy to provide wine lovers everywhere with the opportunity to read what a truly illuminated, great wine man thinks of the year relative to its Burgundy wines.
by Aubert de Villaine
by Ian D’Agata
Ian D’Agata has just sent to press his brand new book: Barolo Terroir: Grapes Crus People Places, co-written with Michele Longo. Out next week, at 500-plus pages and counting it is the most in-depth, most detailed and researched book ever devoted on the topic of Barolo, broaching it as has never been done before. In this exclusive article for TerroirSense Wine Review, Ian extracted a small excerpt from the book on the famous Bussia cru, re-writing it in part for our magazine’s readers.
by Ian D’Agata
A wonderful lunch with some 1982 red Bordeaux wines.
By Robert Millman