Who is TerroirSense?
Founded in 2020, TerroirSense is an independent terroir-driven wine and food review website with Chinese-English bilingual versions. As its name implies, the TerroirSense is devoted to provide its readers with unbiased, credible, independent and expert reviews of the world’s best terroir-driven wines, tea and food.
Our goal is to give wine professionals and everyday wine lovers a tool by which to learn about wine in all of its many fascinating aspects: its history, grape varieties, territories, viticulture and winemaking realities. In short, of its terroir. As a devotee to all things Terroir, we’d like to help establish a culture of terroir amongst all those who love wine and food worldwide, a way of thinking that will hopefully expand and become a way of life.
What’s TerroirSense for ?
- To establish a culture of terroir and promoting terroir-driven philosophy
- To create a wine rating algorithm with respect to the terroir philosophy
- To provide readers with credible, independent expert wine reviews
- To broadcast the history and the present-day reality of the world’s terroir-driven wine production areas
- To cover all of the world’s great wine producing areas and their wines, not just the famous, the large, the wealthy
- To guarantee coverage of terroir-driven foodstuffs and oenogastronomic activities
- To help foster the growth of terroir-related scientific research and education programs