(English) A Holiday Message to Our Readers from Everyone at the TerroirSense Wine Review

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Dear friends,

We wish you and all your loved ones the happiest holiday season possible. After three extremely difficult Covid-plagued, and to some extent ruined years, it appears that the world is finally ready to globally turn the corner. It hasn’t been an easy time for anyone, and not for us either. But things are finally starting to look up for everyone. In these two short years since the launching of our wine magazine, we have developed readers in over 160 countries, and our tasting notes and scores are being used by wine professionals and wine lovers everywhere. Most importantly, people seem genuinely pleased to read our articles and learn along with us. Our two new, recently launched, webinar interview series called Terroir Masters and Meet the Winemakers, have been especially successful with wineries contacting us from all over the world asking how they may be invited on the show, which is a huge source of pride for us. We look forward to tackling the wines of many new countries and wineries in the months and years ahead so as to give you all even more reason to follow us.

We thank-you for your generous support and placing your faith in and hard-earned money with us and we pledge to continue doing our best for you in the years to come. Thank-you and Happy Holidays again,

Ian and the TerroirSense Wine Review team

TerroirSense Team

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TerroirSense Team