
(English) Tasting notes and scores by Robert Millman











2000年的时候,我和公司的伙伴对1970年份的葡萄酒进行过一次全面的品鉴,重点地区是波尔多、纳帕(1970年也是纳帕一个极好的年份)和一些西班牙的珍品。怎么说呢,当晚的明星是来自杜埃罗河岸(Ribera Del Duero)的贝加西西里亚(Vega Sicilia)——至今仍是王者级别。


然而,最近这三款1970年份波尔多酒的品鉴,在我的脑海中同样印象深刻。这次品鉴的顺序依次为:力士金庄园(Chateau Lascombes),碧尚女爵(Pichon Lalande)和白马(Cheval Blanc)


碧尚女爵的表现更好。一如往常,是一款性感的波亚克。然而,1970年份还是在女爵的家族成员Mae de Lencquesaing于1970年代末接管该酒庄之前,这之后女爵逐渐复兴为波尔多绝佳的葡萄酒之一。话虽如此,在70年的酒中,风土的区别仍然显而易见,与力士金相比,有更多的酒体、长度和单宁来支持深色但不浓郁的果味。一款真正出色的波尔多葡萄酒。”确实非常好,奇妙的香气。17.5分”。

最后品鉴的是白马(Cheval Blanc)。不得不说白马酒庄是右岸尤其令人着迷但又难以预测的一个,有时整个波尔多能排第一,有时又令人十分失望。在我看来,白马在过去常受到瓶差的困扰,好在近来它变得更加稳定。



补充一点:里克在几天前就用Coravin抽了些酒。每瓶大约少了300毫升左右。但当天我没在里面发现任何氧化的气味。我最近也品鉴过一款正式开瓶前几个月用Coravin抽了些酒的1976年DRC Richebourg,我可以证明这个东西,特别是用新版更细的针头后,在保存葡萄酒上能有多成功!



Robert Millman

Robert Millman’s wine career began in the early 1980s, when he began working from Morrell & Company, one of the USA’s top wine retailers. During that time, he co-founded Executive Wine Seminars (EWS) with Howard Kaplan, which over the years became one of NYC’s most highly regarded wine events companies. EWS organized and conducted over 1000 wine events during its prestigious thirty-three year history. High points included Robert Parker being a regular guest presenter at the tastings, and through 2011, the results of the tastings were published on the Wine Advocate website. Having reached an age where taking a step back from the wear and tear of life in the wine fast lane made sense, Millman currently enjoys being a taster and wine writer for Grapes the Wine Company, an excellent, leading e-retailer based in Westchester (NY). 


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  • I had a bottle of 1970 Chevalier Blanc over Christmas holidays and it was drinking very nicely at 50. Far better than the Margaux we also had. Still have one last Lascombes 1970 to open one of these days. Glad to hear it is still drinking OK – agree it was not one of the stars of 1970 but still fine.

    • Margaux was a disaster from1964 through 1977– a bad period for many Bordeaux, especially on the left bank. The turn around began in 1978. 1970 was a vintage which should have yielded many superb wine. The weather saved the properties from themselves. But in very good vintages, there will always be many nice surprises even if vineyard management is substandard. I came to the three 1970s quite sceptical. Reality proved me wrong!

      • Very fine review that gives us a great snapshot of what those three 1970s wines were like. Thanks very much Bob. I actually felle exactly the same way you do, 1970 should have left us with many outstanding memorable times, and though they were really pretty good for a while, it’s safe to say that the vintage’s outstanding potential came at a time when Bordeaux was ill-equipped (literally) to do much about it. A vintage like 1970 today would have many crying out “vintage of the century!” talk or something very close to it!

    • Dear Bruce, lucky you, what else can we say? Margaux and Cheval Blanc 1970 at the same dinner, Christmas or otherwise, would always provide plenty of memories and spark much conversation…what more can you ask for? But I think a real important point about your comment is the fact that you HAVE such wiens…it testifies to the importance of owning a good cellar and to buy when wines are still relatively affordable so as to reap the benefits many years later. So again, lucky you for being able to open bottles most people can only dream about, or should they go out an buy them nowadays, would need to pay an arm and a leg for. Good for you, and wish I could have been at that dinner with you all, as I’m sure Bob and just about any other wine lover worth his Riedel or Zalto goblets would have liked to too!

Robert Millman