
在这篇文章中,伊安介绍了享誉世界的勃艮第一级园爱侣园,并品鉴了诸多名家如Amiot-Servelle, Louis Jadot, Georges Roumier, Joseph Drouhin, Mugnier等的爱侣园佳酿。

香波-慕西尼(Chambolle-Musigny)村庄葡萄种植面积大约180公顷,其中61公顷是一级园(premier cru),共有24个,这里包括享誉世界的爱侣园(Les Amoueuses)。在这大千世界中,每个人都有自己为之倾心的葡萄园。糟糕的是,我对葡萄酒的痴迷是如此无可救药,以至于我必须承认,在全球每个主要产区中,都有一个最让我魂牵梦绕的葡萄园——但对于某些葡萄种植区,我真的无法下定决心忍痛割爱,所以我会选出两个挚爱,但实际上,我的贪恋症已经病入膏肓,在一些地方,我会有两个、三个或四个最爱的葡萄园,每个都专门针对特定的葡萄品种,如果要我从每个村庄里挑选出一个葡萄园,那可就更多了……是的,我知道我病得不轻、得治。撇开玩笑不谈,实际上除了慕西尼园(Musigny)之外,在香波-慕西尼村我最喜欢的当属爱侣园,这是葡萄酒领域中许多人共同的心头之好,所以我知道在一点上我有很多志同道合之伙伴。

事实上,早在1981年,我参加过一次在罗马举行的品酒会,这一契机令我对法国葡萄酒的喜爱一发不可收拾。倒不是说我有多需要这次品鉴活动才能激发兴趣——我在加拿大长大,葡萄酒偏好被来自波尔多地区(格外地!)、以及阿尔萨斯、勃艮第的美妙佳酿所长久滋养。但可以说,无论红白,伟大的勃艮第佳酿之辉煌、甚至可以说是神迹,在那晚前从来没有如此不可思议地显现在我面前。但在那一晚,杜鲁安的蜜蜂园白葡萄酒(Clos des Mouches by Drouhin)、拉法基的橡树园葡萄酒(Clos des Chênes by Lafarge)、武戈的爱侣园(Les Amoureuses by De Vogüé)均来自出色年份,这为我打开了一扇葡萄酒美丽新世界的大门。不用说,正是由于爱侣园——它香气馥郁简直令人陶醉、难以忘怀,正如你所见,我至今仍记忆犹新——它让我永远为爱侣园的魅力、神奇和伟大所倾倒。


香波-慕西尼的爱侣园,也许是全世界所有葡萄园中名字最动听的,同时也是全球最享誉盛名的葡萄园之一。事实上,爱侣园是如此有名,尽管它被归类为“仅仅是”一级园,但大多数有幸在那里拥有葡萄藤的酒商,均将爱侣园葡萄酒定价为与他们的特级园同样高。诚然,爱侣园的葡萄酒售价往往高于香波两个特级葡萄园之一的Bonnes Mares——有时爱侣园几乎可以和慕西尼特级园卖得一样贵。可惜,这意味着只有少数幸运儿可以经常品尝爱侣园葡萄酒。

香波-慕西尼产区位于夜丘(Côte de Nuits),北部毗邻莫雷-圣丹尼(Morey-Saint-Denis),南部与伏旧(Vougeot)相连。爱侣园位于其南部,更接近伏旧,约占5.40公顷。爱侣园的形状让人联想到委内瑞拉或印度——它分为两部分,较小的部分位于慕西尼特级园的正上方(和北部),另一个大得多的部分,位于慕西尼、莎比奥一级园(Les Chabiots premier cru)和博尼克一级园(Les Borniques premier cru )的下方——博尼克一级园是个鲜为人知但品质上佳的葡萄园,因为它是慕西尼特级园去往城镇方向的延伸;以及在伏旧的小伏旧(Les Petits Vougeot)上方。在爱侣园北面,是香波-慕西尼村的另一个一级园——上多瓦(Les Hauts Doix),而并非像某些网站上报道的夏姆园(Les Charmes)。这里坡度不是特别陡峭,但由采石形成的一条深沟将其分割开来,只有罗伯特•格罗非酒庄(Robert Groffier)的葡萄藤种植在较为陡峭的区域,就在紧邻慕西尼园的正下面。

与香波产区大部分地区一样,爱侣园的特点是石灰岩的比例略多于粘土,而并非为勃艮第典型的粘土及钙质土混合物。该地区土壤中富含活性石灰,因此可能会造成叶片萎黄(chlorosis)、酒的颜色也比较浅淡、酒体更为轻盈却芳香馥郁。事实上,多亏了地质学家弗朗索瓦•瓦尼尔•佩蒂(Françoise Vannier-Petit)的研究工作,我们现在了解到葡萄园的地质成分相当复杂。在这篇文章中,我在弗朗索瓦著作的基础上,增补进来多年间我在采访爱侣园葡萄酒酿造商时所了解到的信息。从土壤上看,爱侣园北边区域与慕西尼特级园的南边相似——表层是松散的粘土和石头,下面是坚硬的孔布拉希恩石灰钙盐(Comblanchien de Calcaires)。然而,爱侣园的表土层比慕西南边地区的要更薄一些,这也造就了爱侣园作为一级园,酿造出的葡萄酒与特级园相比,葡萄酒香气更浓郁、但力量感稍弱。如果我们的视线移向爱侣园的最南边,这里土壤发生了变化,首先转变为普雷莫石灰岩(Calcaires de Prémeaux),然后转向白色的、富含化石的牡蛎泥灰岩(marnes a Ostrea Acuminata),更像是典型的波内马尔特级园(Bonnes Mares)的上半部分,最后是最接近香波产区本身特质的海百合石灰岩(Calcaires à entroques)。

很有意思的是,爱侣园最好的葡萄酒在历史上是与该产区的特定地质息息相关的。事实上,勃艮第葡萄酒的质量,在过往即有非常详尽的记载,朱尔斯•拉瓦列(Jules Lavalle)提出著名的1855年《金丘伟大佳酿的历史及统计数据》(Histoire et Statistique de la Vigne de Grands Vins de la Cote d’Or)——这主要基于德尼斯•莫洛(Denis Morelot )1831年的作品《勃艮第金丘省葡萄园统计》(Statistique de La Vigne Dans Le Departement de la Cote d’Or)——朱尔斯在1861年将其著作衍生为勃艮第分级制度包括最好酒款(Tête de Cuvée)、一级酒款(Première Cuvée)、二级酒款(Deuxième Cuvée)和三级酒款(Troisième Cuvée)。博纳大区农业和葡萄种植委员会(Comité d’Agriculture et de Viticulture de l’Arrondissement de Beaune)编撰于1861年的《勃艮第地区佳酿生产者统计数据纲要》、以及卡米耶•罗迪耶(Camille Rodier)在1920年出版的 《勃艮第葡萄酒》一书中,相当准确地记录了当时人们对葡萄园整体品质的看法(截止到目前更有意思的是,这其中还包括了园子内不同区块的品质)。

另外,至少在回溯历史时我们会发现,爱侣园的断层下方一直被认为是比上方稍逊一等的,而到今天,爱侣园四个最棒的生产商——武戈(de Vogüé)、卢米耶(Roumier)、木尼艾(Mugnier)、贝尔托(Bertheau)——拥有的大部分、或者说接近大部分的葡萄藤,均在爱侣园断层上方部分的南边,这说明确实这个位置令人趋之若鹜。尽管如此,时代变迁,自19世纪中叶以来,酿造者停停走走,气候也发生了变化,我们对葡萄酒质量的观点现在也与过往不尽相同了。






据我所知,目前爱侣园有十三位地主或租户,尽管历经多年还有其他一些酒商采用外购的葡萄酿造或曾经酿造这款酒,如必修酒庄(Bichot)、路西安僧侣酒庄(Lucien Lemoine)、乔丹酒庄(Vincent Girardin)等。在这份为赏源葡萄酒评论撰写的葡萄园洞察报告中,我们品尝了来自以下酒庄的佳酿。


酒庄的名字来自于克里斯汀•阿米奥(Christian Amiot)及伊丽莎白•塞尔维尔(Elisabeth Servelle)的联姻——克里斯汀•阿米奥是皮埃尔•阿米奥(Pierre Amiot)之子、来自著名的莫雷-圣丹尼酒庄(Morey-St-Denis Winery);伊丽莎白•塞尔维尔来自塞尔维尔-塔绍酒庄(Servelle-Tachot Estate)。新酒庄的葡萄园来自于家族两方。该酒庄自2008年起获得了有机认证,但实际上早在2003年,酒庄就开始以有机方式进行耕作。阿米奥-赛维尔酒庄在爱侣园拥有不到0.45公顷的土地,他们的地块几乎是位于爱侣园的最北侧。该地块地质条件十分优异,土质主要由孔布拉希恩石灰钙盐组成,对慕西尼及爱侣园表现最好的上半区进行充分演绎。

Amiot-Servelle 1990 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses      91

Red with a large amber rim. Very woodsy nose of porcini, moss, faded flowers and herbs, with hints of lime peel and red cherry skin. Then ripe and savoury, with an ample suave mouthfeel that lingers nicely while featuring flavours similar to the aromas. A wine in the fullest tertiary phase of development, I wouldn’t hang on to this much longer but it is drinking beautifully right now. Current vintages are aged in 50% new oak for about 18 months but I honestly don’t remember what was being done back in 1990 and I cannot seem to find my notes on the subject. Drinking window: Now-2024

贝尔托酒庄(Domaine Bertheau)

佛朗索瓦•贝尔托(Francois Bertheau)是一个精品小庄,质量优异;自2000年代初期,他从父亲皮埃尔•贝尔托(Pierre Bertheau)手中接过酒庄的管理权起,就在爱侣园耕耘不辍至今。该酒庄拥有0.32公顷爱侣园。这里出产的葡萄酒,能够在杯中完美诠释各地块的典型风土特点。我特别喜欢它们的纯净感和轻盈感。贝尔托酒庄在爱侣园的四个地块,均位于葡萄园的最佳区域,乔治•卢米耶酒庄和武戈酒庄在此亦拥有其地块。

Domaine Bertheau 2011 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses    91

Bright ruby-red. Very pretty aromas of red cherry and raspberry are complicated by sweet spices and soy sauce, but pick up an evident green note with aeration. Then clean and pure, with noteworthy lightness of being to the mineral-driven red fruit and quinine flavours. Finishes long and fine-grained. This is a lovely wine but also one that couldn’t really escape the characteristics brought on by the difficult growing season and ultimately, 2011’s signature dominates the wine. Aged eighteen months in 20% new oak. Drink: now-2026

乔治武戈公爵酒庄(Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé 2007 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses     93

Bright ruby. The very pretty, perfumed nose offers aromas of red cherry, peony, herbs, sweet spices, soy sauce and soil tones. Very refined in the mouth, indeed sporting some of the finest and better-grained tannins of any of the wines in this tasting report, the aftertaste is similar to the nose and very long, not to mention pure. I especially like this wine’s verve and light on its feet personality and the clarity of fruit. By no means a blockbuster Les Amoureuses (when is it ever?), but very well done. Drinking window: now-2030

乔治•卢米耶酒庄(Domaine Georges Roumier)


Domaine Georges Roumier 2009 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses    96

Vivid red. Enormously fruity on the nose, with ripe dark plum, sweet spice and black cherry dominating that speak of the 2009 vintage, but happily lifted by a welcome refreshing violet note. Hedonistic, even seductive in the mouth, with downright luscious flavours of red cherry, strawberry jam, blood orange, coffee, vanilla, and soil tones that add further complexity. Very fine-grained tannins supply backbone. Still not quite as sharply delineated as I might like, it’s hard to argue with this wine’s almost plump, in-your -face delivery of ripe even sultry fruit that make for an almost atypically rich mouth-filling Burgundy experience (again, it’s the 2009 talking here more than the site). And though about 60% whole bunches were used, this is not especially floral presently. I actually would hold on to this a few more years to allow it to extend more. Drinking window: 2024-2032

罗伯特•格罗非酒庄(Domaine Robert Groffier)


Domaine Robert Groffier 2006 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses    94

Deep ruby. Generous on both the nose and the palate, but with a refined nuance to the deep, multilayered aromas and flavours of dark cherry, soy sauce, sweet spices and underbrush. The very long aftertaste changes considerably in the mouth and with aeration but always remains fruity and sultry. Above average complexity here. The richer, deeper soil at the bottom of the slope endows Groffier’s Amoureuses wine with a weightier, denser mouthfeel that is really enchanting. Very well done in this not altogether easy vintage. Drinking window: now-2030

木尼艾酒庄 (Jacques-Frederic Mugnier Chateau de Chambolle-Musigny)

1985年,航空飞行员弗雷德里克•木尼艾(Frederic Mugnier)接管了这家酒庄(他后来全身心地投入到了酒庄的工作当中),事情才真正有了转机,现在酒庄提供品质遥遥领先的葡萄酒——不仅仅是在香波、而且是在整个勃艮第地区。在弗雷德里克到来之前,酒庄将其持有的香波地块进行出租——起先租给法维莱酒庄(Faiveley)一直到1977年,随后租给布鲁诺•克莱尔酒庄(Bruno Clair)直至1984年。木尼艾酒庄拥有不到0.53公顷的爱侣园,鉴于最后一次种植时间可追溯到1966年,其中一些葡萄藤均拥有古老树龄。酒庄也很幸运,拥有一些历史上被认为是最好的葡萄园。

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier (Chateau de Chambolle-Musigny) 2004 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses        91

Medium dark red. Offers a truly lovely perfumed nose of red cherry, raspberry, rose petals and minerals, plus hints of blueberry pie and nutmeg. Broad and long, with fine-grained tannins providing support to the sappy, mineral flavours of red fruit and herbs. With aeration, a slowly building green streak becomes evident, the result of a difficult growing season. The finish is long and boasts noteworthy viscosity and vivacity, but the green note is inescapable, which is a pity because the transparency and purity of fruit here are remarkable. Drinking window: now-2025.

约瑟夫杜鲁安酒庄(Maison Joseph Drouhin)


Joseph Drouhin 2008 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses     93

Vivid red. The very elegant nose boasts surprising ripeness to its strawberry, allspice and plum aromas, complicated by a note of black truffle. Gorgeous and seamless in the mouth, with a little more plumpness than I might have expected in 2008, and very pure, clean, tangy flavours of floral red berries, cinnamon, cloves and minerals. Elegant and well balanced, this is a knockout red wine for the year. Made from forty-nine years old vines, aged in 20% new oak, this was aged for about sixteen months. Drinking window: now-2032

路易亚都酒庄(Louis Jadot)

酒庄由亚都家族于1859年成立,实际上亚都家族早在1826年即已拥有乌尔苏礼克洛葡萄园(Clos des Ursules)、并在此进行耕作了。多年来,酒庄发展突飞猛进,是勃艮第绝伦佳酿——无论红葡萄酒还是白葡萄酒——最为可靠的供应来源之一,所有这些酒款均有上佳陈年表现。目前酒庄隶属于美国科布兰德集团(Kobrand Group),酒款以不同的名字出售——路易亚都酒庄(Domaine Louis Jadot)、路易亚都传承庄园(Domaine des Heritiers de Louis Jadot)、安德烈•加吉酒庄(Domaine Andre’ Gagey)等等。2012年年份以非常寒冷的2月开始,接下来比较温暖的3月让葡萄生长周期提前启动,不过由于4月相对凉爽,葡萄生长进程又放慢了;随后一个月尤其困难,霜冻、雨水、寒潮、葡萄疾病等不利因素阻碍了开花,致使葡萄产量大大降低;初夏时节,不理想的天气仍在继续,冰雹袭击了伯恩丘;8月中旬以后,好天气终于成为常态。我要特别强调这个年份的天气,因为我认为尽管在这一年里有很多困难,但路易亚都酒庄还是交出了令人惊叹的葡萄酒答卷。

Louis Jadot 2012 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses      94

Moderately saturated ruby. Penetrating aromas of crushed red cherry, minty plum reduction, raspberry liqueur and sandalwood. Rich, dense and luscious flavours of red fruits, cassis, licorice and blood orange boast plenty of sweetness and shape. Finishes long and with a rich, heady personality. 100% destemmed and aged eighteen months in French oak barriques. In my view, this is one of the best Les Amoureuses made by Jadot in some time. Jadot owns only 0.12 hectares of Les Amoureuses, so there’s no surprise in knowing that there were only two barrels of this wine made…for the world! In fact, the vines are very young, as they needed to be replanted following the horrific frost episode of the 2005/2006 winter, so the wine is that more amazing. Jadot’s plot in Les Amoureuses sits below the road separating the largest section of Les Amoureuses from the small sliver located above the road and immediately north of Musigny, but is characterized by more or less the same soil as all the upper third of the premier cru. Drinking window: now-2035.

路西安僧侣酒庄(Lucien Le Moine)

这家勃艮第酒商中的杰出企业,由罗特姆•萨乌马、穆尼尔•萨乌马(Rotem and Mounir Saouma)这对才华横溢的夫妇创立,自1999年以来,他们树立了当之无愧的农户大师声誉——他们每年通过从勃艮第最有名的葡萄园中购买酒液,在它们发酵完成后第一时间放入自己的酒窖中陈年,来生产多样的葡萄酒款。

Lucien Le Moine 2009 Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses    92

Deep ruby. Pungent aromas and flavours speak of whole bunches by the boatload. Peony, gardenia, lemon verbena and roses all colour the deep dark plum and cherry aromas and flavours, complicated by notes of smoke, minerals and mint. Closes long and minerally with repeating floral overtones and ongoing pungently floral character. A very savory wine that is somewhat in contrast to Le Moine’s many other very sweet sultry red Burgs. Drinking window: now-2025


Ian D'Agata

伊安·达加塔在葡萄酒领域耕耘超过30年,在葡萄酒品评、葡萄酒科研写作和葡萄酒教育等方面,都取得了杰出的成果,在葡萄酒行业和葡萄酒爱好者中,享有世界性声望。作为享誉国际的葡萄酒作家,他最近的两本著作《意大利原生葡萄品种》《意大利原生葡萄品种风土》被公认为意大利葡萄酒领域的权威著作;前者荣获2015年Louis Roederer国际葡萄酒作家大奖赛“年度最佳书籍奖”,他是唯一获此殊荣的意大利葡萄酒作家,并入选《洛杉矶时报》、《金融时报》、《纽约时报》评选的“年度葡萄酒书籍”榜单;后者被《纽约时报》和美国的Food & Wine杂志提名为年度最佳葡萄酒书籍。

Ian D’Agata has been writing and educating about wines for over thirty years. Internationally recognized as an distinguished expert, critic and writer on many wine regions, his two most recent, award winning books Native Wine Grapes of Italy and Italy's Native Wine Grape Terroirs (both published by University of California Press) are widely viewed as the "state of the art" textbooks on the subject. The former book won the Louis Roederer International Wine Awards Book of the Year in 2015 and was ranked as the top wine books of the year for the Los Angeles Times, the Financial Times and the New York Times, while the latter was named among the best wine books of the year by Food & Wine Magazine and the NY Times.[:]


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Ian D'Agata