
by 伊安·达加塔





这些葡萄园区在2010年正式划定命名,所以现在我们有170个巴罗洛葡萄园区可供选择。Bussia、Castello、Vignarionda和Villero就是巴罗洛这170个葡萄园区中的一部分,在意大利语中被称为Menzioni Geografiche Aggiuntive(简称MGA),也叫做”附加地理标识”。换句话说,这些园区名字是对巴罗洛这个词的”额外补充”。


1.本文提到的Barolo Bussia,用Bussia MGA葡萄园区种植的葡萄酿造的巴罗洛。


3.来自11个村庄其中之一的酒,例如Barolo del Comune di Novello或Barolo del Comune di Verduno。



Bussia是一个神奇的名字,也是一些神奇巴罗洛葡萄酒的来源之处。Bussia是第一个出现在与巴罗洛相关酒标上的葡萄园名字,由Beppe Colla在1961年的酒标上标注(同年还有Vietti的巴罗洛Rocche,今天的Rocche di Castiglione一起)。


支持者们指出,这一地区在地质和土壤方面有相似之处,但这确实是在通过非常玫瑰色的眼镜(西方谚语,表示过于乐观、近幼稚)来看待这一问题。因此,与其搬出Gertrude Stein那句同样神奇的名言:”那里没有“那里”(There is no there, there。出处是20世纪30年代当她重回美国加州时,发现自己童年时代的老房子、学校、公园全部不复存在,因此有感而发,引申义可为:没有这回事)。






这也不奇怪,整个Bussia园区被分类中分属三个不同的土地单元:Barolo、La Morra和Novello。所以,Bussia的风土是如此多样,酿出的葡萄酒也是相当多样(关于什么是土地单元?和它们具体的岩石特性。这里卖个关子,我的新书《Barolo Terroir: Grapes Crus People Places》中有完整呈现)。

虽然在所有用Bussia园区的葡萄酿制的巴罗洛中可以找到一点风格上的相似之处,即极强的单宁支撑上那种丝滑和轻盈的感觉,但这些来自这个广大葡萄园区的葡萄酒确实有着很大的不同。在我看来从北到南,Bussia葡萄园区至少可以分成十个不同的部分,或者换句话说,从Castiglione Falletto镇到Monforte镇:


Bussia Sottana


Rocche di Monforte(以前是Rocche或Rocche di Bussia)

Bussia Soprana



Pianpolvere和Pianpolvere Soprano



其中地位超然的显然是Bussia Soprana部分,无可比拟的Aldo Conterno酒庄酿造的伟大葡萄酒奠定了其地位。

地位超然的Bussia Soprana及再细分

Bussia Soprana部分在Bussia Sottana南面,在其西南面的Dardi和东南面的Pianopolvere/Pianpolvere Soprano等子产区之上。它的西边是另一个葡萄园Monrobiolo di Bussia,东边是Perno和Gramolere的Monforte葡萄园区。






Bussia Soprana又和Visette/Arnulfo/Fantini这些区域之间的地形、气候甚至地质都不同。大多数情况下,Visette/Arnulfo/Fantini的巴罗洛相对新鲜、充满活力。

本文我将谈到的酒庄,Aldo Conterno的barolo全部来自Bussia Soprana;另一家Arnaldo Rivera酒庄酿造的Barolo Bussia,其葡萄来自Fantini以及Bussia Soprana这两个地方。


如果想要更精确,Fantini可以进一步细分为Fantini-per和Sant’Eligio(或Fonte Sant’Eligio)。这两地基本上都是面西南的圆形山丘,只被一个森林覆盖的丘陵山峰隔开,虽不完全相同,但这两个分区的海拔高度相似,分别为380-390米和430-440米。再加上相似的土壤岩性,目前可以只算做一个。


目前,在将Fantini视为Visette-Arnulfo-Fantini子区域里的一个子区域时,重要的是要知道它不仅仅因为海拔高度而不同,还因为沙土地块的存在,创造了更好的排水性,也促成了与Pugnane, Bussia Soprana或Munie这些地方非常不同的巴罗洛酒。





Aldo Conterno 2016 Barolo Bussia Romirasco    95+


Arnaldo Rivera 2018 Barolo Bussia    93

红宝石色。富有表现力、甜美、艳丽的樱桃、紫罗兰、石榴、异国木材、杏和牛奶巧克力的香气。果香浓郁、坚实、成熟,有天鹅绒般的口感,很多细微且明确的风味,带有矿物感的紫罗兰、李子和红色浆果味道。收尾悠长而成熟,有很好的能量和提升感。现在已经充满了年轻的吸引力,陈年将更好。这是Terre del Barolo合作社新酿出的一款令人兴奋的葡萄酒,属于高端Arnaldo Rivera单一巴罗洛园系列。这款Barolo Bussia由区域内三个葡萄园混合而成,一个在Bussia Soprana的Gabutti,另外两个在Fantini和Sant’Eligio。葡萄藤种下的时间在Sant’Eligio是1969年, Gabutti是2002年, Fantini是2003年。Sant’Eligio葡萄园位于Monforte山脊的西侧,拥有良好的砂岩,具有很好的保水能力,这意味着生长在这些地区的葡萄藤可以很好地忍受干旱。这款酒浸渍、发酵了十七到十九天,在五百和七百升的法国大橡木桶中陈酿。适饮窗口:2026-2040。

Ian D'Agata

伊安·达加塔在葡萄酒领域耕耘超过30年,在葡萄酒品评、葡萄酒科研写作和葡萄酒教育等方面,都取得了杰出的成果,在葡萄酒行业和葡萄酒爱好者中,享有世界性声望。作为享誉国际的葡萄酒作家,他最近的两本著作《意大利原生葡萄品种》《意大利原生葡萄品种风土》被公认为意大利葡萄酒领域的权威著作;前者荣获2015年Louis Roederer国际葡萄酒作家大奖赛“年度最佳书籍奖”,他是唯一获此殊荣的意大利葡萄酒作家,并入选《洛杉矶时报》、《金融时报》、《纽约时报》评选的“年度葡萄酒书籍”榜单;后者被《纽约时报》和美国的Food & Wine杂志提名为年度最佳葡萄酒书籍。

Ian D’Agata has been writing and educating about wines for over thirty years. Internationally recognized as an distinguished expert, critic and writer on many wine regions, his two most recent, award winning books Native Wine Grapes of Italy and Italy's Native Wine Grape Terroirs (both published by University of California Press) are widely viewed as the "state of the art" textbooks on the subject. The former book won the Louis Roederer International Wine Awards Book of the Year in 2015 and was ranked as the top wine books of the year for the Los Angeles Times, the Financial Times and the New York Times, while the latter was named among the best wine books of the year by Food & Wine Magazine and the NY Times.[:]


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  • Ian,
    Enjoyed reading this excerpt from the forthcoming book, which sounds like it will be encyclopedic in nature, tackling some of the most complicated terroir in the world. It’s fascinating to me that there can be such different expressions of the same grape from vineyards that are relatively close in distance. But that’s a big part of the fun in studying wine, right? As noted, the identification of the climatic and geologic variation of the Barolo region and a study of the different expressions of wine produced are a worthy pursuit for any fan of Barolo. Thanks to you and Michele Longo for undertaking this task.

    • I think that trying to pick where a wine is from is always fun. Is this we are tasting blind a Pinot Noir from Gevrey, Oregon or New Zeland? And on amore finite scale, is this a Barolo from Vignarionda or Lazzarito, or a Riesling from the Kirchenstuck ornthe Jesuitengarten of Forst? If it gets to granular and it stops being fun, but to a certain extent that sort of search adds to the fun that is wine.
      Barolo, like Riesling in the Mosel , Rheingau, Pfalz etc..and Pinot Noir/Chardonnay in Burgundy have a bevy of different famous vineyard areas that give very different wines. based on variables such as soil type, geology, climate, exposure,ltopography…and even though the wines might be made in the same way just 200 feet part they end up being very different because of the interplay of all those vaiables.

      The new book on Barolo addresses some of thos issues but it’s alot more than just a search for terroir in the glass. We have probably the most detailed history on barolo and for sure the most detailed description of Nebbiolo grapes (all the clones and biotypes). In the end parts of the book will appeal to some wine lovers, other parts of the book will be just what others were looking for. In the end, I hope it has something for everyone. Cheers!

  • A cat snippet from a no doubt sanspareil book that I couldn’t wait to put my hands on…
    And the timing is perfect, I just got named Maestro with the task of creating a delegation of KOA here in Montreal. We are hitting the ground running on November 17th 2022 with white truffles and 1999 double magnums of Ceretto Brunate coming from the producer cellar (who said that education has to be boring). Ian we will fly you over to our chapter in 2023 to enlighten us, I have got the name but you are the REAL Maestro. In Vino Veritas!

    • Looking forward to such a great trip and honoured by the invitation. In the meantime, congratulations on your achievement! Ian

Ian D'Agata