


迄今为止在中国表现突出的三个葡萄品种无疑是蛇龙珠(Cabernet Gernischt)、马瑟兰(Marselan)和小芒森(Petit Manseng)。中国酒里的品丽珠、雷司令、威代尔(包括晚采酒和冰酒)和贵人香也非常有前途(即便贵人香的形象有点打折扣,因为它经常是作为廉价入门级的口粮酒出现)。中国种有大量的赤霞珠、霞多丽和梅洛,这不稀奇(它们简直遍布全球),虽然这些品种也显示出一些潜力,但事实上类似的赤霞珠和霞多丽在世界上其它国家都能找到,而且不出意外的话,都比中国的版本更好更有趣(别去相信某款酒曾在一个蹩脚的国际葡萄酒比赛中得过什么荒唐的金奖还是白金奖的),所以任何脑子在线的消费者都不会有很多理由去购买这些品种的中国酒。



马瑟兰是一个由赤霞珠和歌海娜杂交而来的品种,由法国人Paul Truel于1961年培育而来,出生地就在法国东南部的小镇Marseillan附近,由此得名Marselan(马瑟兰)。除开中国,它在法国朗格多克、乌拉圭、巴西和加州北部海岸也有种植。马瑟兰也许是当今中国优质葡萄酒中最激动人心的来源之一:它能打造出一系列中等酒体、充满芬芳、微微辛辣的红酒,散发出的明快果香和风味能让你的鼻腔和味蕾瞬间欣喜。它明亮的红色也很漂亮,尽管不同中国产区的马瑟兰在这方面似乎有很大差异(有些酒款的颜色要深很多);目前来看,这种风土带来的差异只是一种猜测,但以我对于酿酒葡萄以及它们风土表现的足够经验来看,这种猜测迟早会被证明是对的。要证明这一切,只需要更多数量的好酒样本,加上多一点的时间,大家就会慢慢发现这种微妙的差别。在我近期和中国葡萄专家乃至各级决策者的讨论中,我发现他们似乎有些担忧马瑟兰也许不是那么能陈年,但在我看来,这种结论的提出还是为时过早了。首先,马瑟兰在不同中国风土中的表现肯定是不同的:例如在宁夏的贫瘠土壤上,马瑟兰葡萄酒就不太可能会有过早熟化的现象。而且最主要的是,我认为当前优质马瑟兰葡萄酒的样本数量也不足以让人有效地判定其陈年能力。所以在现阶段就判断一种酒缺乏陈年能力是不对的,因为我们完全没有足够的有效数据来分析出结论。但我也指出,就算在某一天我们确定了马瑟兰不能陈年40、50年,那也不是问题。一方面,现在已经很少有人为了陈年而买酒了,另一方面,没有人会抱着“买来陈年”的目的去买勃艮第红葡萄酒或者埃特纳红葡萄酒(现在世界上两大最火最抢手的葡萄酒),即使它们的确有很强的陈年能力。实话说吧,没有人会在乎他们的慕西妮(Musigny)特级园葡萄酒能存放多少年,这不是它们购买的原因。对于马瑟兰来说也是这个道理。






Cabernet Gernischt

Chateau Nine Peaks 2019 Cabernet Gernischt Tsingtao Collection          93

Medium dark ruby-red, this is noticeably deeper ruby than the 2013, 2016 and 2018, all of which are characterized by a brighter red (and to my way of thinking, prettier) colour. Intensely floral (violet!) and spicy with very pure aromas and flavours of black and blue fruit complicated by aromatic herbs and an obvious mineral nuance. The finish is long, vibrant and suave, denoting very good fruit-acid-tannin balance. This was macerated for 25 days (longer than the 22 days of previous years), and at higher temperatures as well than was done previously. It was aged in one and two year used 225 litre barrels for 12 months (no new oak). The 2019 vintage was remarkable for being a very dry year, with water stress a real concern in some moments of the year (the Cabernet Gernischt was planted at Chateau Nine Peaks only in 2012); however, Cabernet Gernischt is better suited than Cabernet Sauvignon to dealing with rainy weather (its less compact bunch makes it less prone to rot-associated problems) but the trade-off is that too much rain makes the Gernischt even more vigorous than it already is. Apparently this vintage’s much darker colour is the result of the drier year, but in fact it’s not the only aspect in which this wine differs from all the other Cabernet Gernischt wines I tried at this estate. To date, the best Cabernet Gernischt wine made at the estate remains the very great 2013, but the 2019 is also a very good wine. Drinking window:  2024-2032.

Xige Estate 2017 Cabernet Gernischt Jade Dove          92

Vivid red. Bright red fruit, vanilla, violet, and cracked black pepper aromas on the perfumed nose. Enters very clean and smooth. Then similarly suave in the middle and on the long finish, this medium-bodied beauty stays light on its feet but also flavourful, with similar notes in the mouth to those on the nose. The aftertaste is pleasantly round and insidiously sweet coconutty note. The first vintage of this wine aged in US oak (30%), which explains the sweet coconut note (the US oak component has been lowered to 20% with the 2018 vintage). The Cabernet Gernischt was always harvested in mid-September because in China they want to pick it early so as to concentrate on the Cabernet Sauvignon still hanging in the vineyards, but the winemaker here correctly wanted to give Gernischt a chance to shine by delaying its harvest to October 10-15. A wise move, and well done. Further good news is the estate is planning to release in the near future a premium grade wine made with this variety. Drinking window: now-2030.


Domaine Zijing/Amethyst yard 2018 Marselan Huailai          91

Luminous red. The initially subdued nose needs a little coaxing and air to showcase its sweetly ripe but fresh red fruit, herbal and spicy aromas. Repeating notes of herbs and sweet spices plus a syrupy sweetness to the red fruit flavours linger on the finish, which boasts a nice glycerol mouth feel. Not the last word in complexity but easy-going and smooth, this is a very pretty well-made wine that offers plenty of early appeal. Aged 13 months in French oak (about 27% new). 100% Marselan. Drinking window: 2022-2027.

Domaine Franco-Chinois 2014 Marselan Reserve Huailai          92

Vivid red. Enticing aromas of fresh red berries, minerals and spicy herbs have a strong violet top note. Well-balanced and smooth on entry and in the middle, with clean, fresh red fruit, saline, and herbal elements persisting nicely on the suave aftertaste. A hint of freshly cracked black pepper and of grilled beef adds complexity. A very pretty wine that packs in lots of flavour and only 13.5% alcohol. This is ready to drink now but a year or so in the cellar will only add to its many charms. Drinking window: 2023-2030.

Silver Heights 2017 Marselan Jin Shan Ningxia          93

Bright, very pretty medium-dark red colour that is not needlessly deep. Fresh, fruity aromas of red berries, sweet spices, tobacco and minerals jump from the glass. More metallic, steely even, than when I last tasted this wine (about two months before) but vibrant, clean and pure, with lively red fruit flavours complemented by a strong spicy note on the long, suave back end. I really like this pretty red wine’s up-front charm and juicy red fruit personality. You’ll find that after the first sip you’ll be immediately looking to have another, so just make sure your mother-in-law isn’t anywhere in sight. Owner and winemaker Emma Gao apprenticed at Chateau Calon-Ségur in Saint-Estèphe and that training, along with her passion, drive and talent guarantee that if there is one Chinese estate that will be making world class wines ten years from now, this is one of those I am willing to bet on. Drinking window: now-2028.

Petit Manseng

Domaine Franco-Chinois 2016 Petit Manseng Huailai          94

Bright, medium-deep golden-yellow. Thick aromas and flavours of glazed kumquat, candied mango, canned pineapple, caramel, vanilla and cinnamon. Bright lemony and fresh on entry, then rich and dense in the mouth too, but with a vibrant mouth feel thanks to harmonious acidity providing noteworthy clarity and cut. Finishes long and suave with very good balanced sweetness. A thick dessert-styled wine that will match well not just to sweet desserts but also to pumpkin soups, roast chicken with mushrooms and aged cheeses. I guarantee that if you try similarly sweet wines with something other than desserts you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Drinking window: now-2030

Longting Vineyard 2019 Petit Manseng Late Harvest Longting Art Series          92

Bright pale golden-tinged yellow colour. Explosive aromas of green papaya, fresh citrus and honey on the captivating nose. Then very rich and luscious, but with very nice lift and acid-sugar balance (270 g/L residual sugar and 6.6 g/l total acidity) to the orange marmalade, candied lemon peel and fruit cocktail flavours that are long and clean. A true late harvest, the grapes were picked in early November, but despite the late picking date, this is neither especially thick nor dense, but rather stays pleasantly light on its feet and vivid. The wine was aged in stainless steel after winemaker Larsen tried partial oak aging in the 2016 and was unimpressed with the results. I also tasted the 2016 (and the 2018 too) Petit Manseng wines from this estate and I agree that this is the best of the bunch. Well done. Drinking window: 2022-2028.

Ian D'Agata

伊安·达加塔在葡萄酒领域耕耘超过30年,在葡萄酒品评、葡萄酒科研写作和葡萄酒教育等方面,都取得了杰出的成果,在葡萄酒行业和葡萄酒爱好者中,享有世界性声望。作为享誉国际的葡萄酒作家,他最近的两本著作《意大利原生葡萄品种》《意大利原生葡萄品种风土》被公认为意大利葡萄酒领域的权威著作;前者荣获2015年Louis Roederer国际葡萄酒作家大奖赛“年度最佳书籍奖”,他是唯一获此殊荣的意大利葡萄酒作家,并入选《洛杉矶时报》、《金融时报》、《纽约时报》评选的“年度葡萄酒书籍”榜单;后者被《纽约时报》和美国的Food & Wine杂志提名为年度最佳葡萄酒书籍。

Ian D’Agata has been writing and educating about wines for over thirty years. Internationally recognized as an distinguished expert, critic and writer on many wine regions, his two most recent, award winning books Native Wine Grapes of Italy and Italy's Native Wine Grape Terroirs (both published by University of California Press) are widely viewed as the "state of the art" textbooks on the subject. The former book won the Louis Roederer International Wine Awards Book of the Year in 2015 and was ranked as the top wine books of the year for the Los Angeles Times, the Financial Times and the New York Times, while the latter was named among the best wine books of the year by Food & Wine Magazine and the NY Times.[:]


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Ian D'Agata