视频 & 直播 (English) Great100 Terroir Wineries of Italy 2023 is Coming Soon TerroirSense Team1 分钟阅读2023年06月20日3条评论 对不起这篇文章没有中文版,其他语言版本请见English。 For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.
Ciao, of course, July 7 and 8, it’s been announced a while back, and even included in one of our weekly newsletters. More info out soon. ian 回复
Ian do you have a specific date yet for the event?
This weekend, July 8 and 9.
Ciao, of course, July 7 and 8, it’s been announced a while back, and even included in one of our weekly newsletters. More info out soon. ian